
Canvas size

You want to start with a new document, setting the canvas size to 600 x 600. If you already have a blank document open, then change the canvas size using the button at the bottom.

Draw SKy colors with Brush

Select the Brush tool...

Then go to the Properties toolbar at the bottom.  Set the type of brush to Basic > Hard Line...

Choose any color you like. Set the brush size (anywhere between 60 - 80).

Now You can go to the Color Wheel...

Slide down so you get the darkest color to start, for the bottom line. (the more lines you need, the darker you should start).

Click once to start your line, then hold SHIFT and drag the brush all the way to the right and off the canvas. This keeps the line straight.

For your next line up, go back to the Color Wheel and slide it up a bit.

For drawing the next lines, first click on the left side to start. Let go of the mouse. Then hold SHIFT and click/drag the mouse all the way to the right.

Repeat until you have something like this…

Smudge the sky

Click on the Smudge tool - you'll have to click and hold the water drop button to see it.

Click and drag the tool to smudge edges. Make sure you start clicking inside the canvas! Play with properties:

  • size = big,around 30+
  • edge = 100 so soft
  • pressure = can reduce but don't increase more than 55

You'll end up with something like this (very subtle effect) or yours can be more dramatic.