Day 1 Set Up

1. Folders

If you ever change computers, you only have to rename Z:

  1. Rename Z: to your name
  2. Expand Computer on the left.
  3. Click on Student Share.
  4. Double-click on Koppejan.
  5. Drag folder for your class from Student Share to Z:

2. Chrome

Day 1 Computer Set Up: Chrome

  1. From your Z: folder, double-click on the Chrome shortcut to the class website.
  2. Under Settings, change "On Start Up" to "Open a specific page..." and click on Set pages link on the right.

Click on the Use current pages button. When it looks the the picture below, click OK.

You can also bookmark the class website so you can easily go back to it at any time.

Close Chrome. Open it again from the taskbar and set as default browser - it should go to your class website! 

3. Taskbar

Right-click on Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar and "unpin". Also unpin Windows Media Player.

Pin the following programs to your taskbar:

  • Adobe Fireworks

When you're done, your taskbar should look like this...