
Vector Vs. Bitmap

Bitmap graphics

  • Bitmap graphics are composed of dots, called pixels, arranged in a grid. Each dot is assigned a color.
  • When you edit a bitmap graphic, you modify pixels rather than lines and curves.
  • Bitmap graphics are resolution-dependent.

Vector graphics

  • Vector graphics render images using lines and curves, called vectors. The color of the leaf is determined by the color of its outline (the stroke) and the color of the area enclosed by the outline (the fill).
  • Vector graphics are resolution-independent. You can enlarge them and they'll still look great, whereas with photos, if you enlarge them, you may end up with a fuzzy/pixelated image.
  • Vector shapes are made up of points and lines connecting those points. When you draw with a vector tools such as the Line/Pen tool or draw a shape, you will notice small blue points.
  • With Vector drawing, the advantage over Bitmap is that you can always go back and tweak the size/shape/outline/fill/etc.

Canvas Size

When you create a new document you need to give it a size in pixels (width and height). The documents we work with are just for the computer so we keep the resolution/quality at 72 dpi.

If you're in a document and you want to change the canvas size, you can go to the MODIFY menu or if you have nothing selected, your Properties panel will show the options for your document and you can click on the Canvas Size button.

Image SIze

Canvas is the area you work on, what is visible in your final result.If you change the canvas size, you are adding to the work area or removing (cropping) part of your picture. You are not actually changing the size of what you see.

If you change the image size, it will change everything to be smaller. You can do this under MODIFY>Canvas>... or click with the black arrow off the canvas and you'll see it in the Properties panel.

  • Change the size of the width OR height
  • Make sure the box for "Constrain Proportions" remains checked, or your image will become stretched/squashed.