Zoom in on the bottom right. We're going to get rid of the photographer and the date stamp.
Click on the Rubberstamp tool. In Properties make sure "source aligned" is checked, it's as soft as possible (edge 100) and increase the size of the brush to about 40.
Click with the mouse on an area (to designate it as the Source), then drag over what you want to paint over.
- Click a bit at a time instead of dragging the brush over large areas.
Drag the brush horizontally so the pattern of the grass stays similar to other areas.
ALT- click to designate different area to clone - you want to avoid getting a pattern.
Keep changing your source and click around to make sure there's no pattern, so it's not obvious you've stamped something out.
When you're done, go back to 100% (CTRL+1)
Also apply Auto Levels (Filters>Adjust Color>...).