Combine 2 animal photos - body from one, the head and neck from the other, and make them blended into one new animal.
Check out student examples below (or see more here).
The most important part is finding the right pictures:
Photos should be really good quality, clear, at least 600 pixels wide!
Combine 2 animals that have similar skin & coloring - don't try to combine a panda bear with a snake!
Animals should be facing the same angle (sides or slightly to the side). If they're facing different directions, no problem,
just change one of the pictures by using Transform>Flip Horizontal. Facing the front head on is not that great, because your combination will look like it has a floating
Once you've found picture and gotten them checked by the teacher for quality and possibility, then do the following:
Right-click on the picture of the animal you want to use for the body (we'll refer to this as Animal #1) and Copy.
In Fireworks, go CTRL+N (or File>New), Enter and CTRL+V (paste).
Paste again - we want a copy of our original animal (in case we have to rubberstamp out parts of Animal #1 later).
Then copy the other animal photo (we'll refer to this as Animal #2) and paste it in as well.
Scale down Animal #2 picture - flip it horizontally if needed so it's facing the same direction as Animal #1.
Isolate the head and neck of Animal #2
Use the Lasso to cut out the head/neck from one animal and paste it into the other picture.
Make sure Lasso is set to feather just a bit (2-3 pixels).
Stamp out parts of Animal #1 (if necessary - if any of its head and/or neck are showing). If you haven't already made a duplicate of Animal #1 layer, do so now!
If parts of Animal #1's head/neck are showing, we need to get rid of them carefully using the Rubberstamp tool.
Make sure you've saved your working document in Z: with all your work done.
Now hide the top 2 layers - Animal #2 layer & the copy of the
original/bottom animal that you used for stamping stuff out)
Go FILE>Save As... change file type to JPG (not default PNG) and call it "animal combo 1 - your name".
- Now show the top 2 layers, go to File>Save As... keep it as JPG and call it "animal combo 2 - your name".