Four-Photo Collage

Get Photos

Create a collage with any theme, using at 4 photos. 

Make your canvas 800 x 600

Find your own photos, and put them into Fireworks. Make sure they are good quality and that you're scaling them down, not making them bigger! For example, make sure they're bigger than 1/2 vertically and horizontally, like this below...

Make sure there are no empty spaces, the photos should cover your entire canvas - should also be overlapping each other. You can see here that my pictures are overlapping...


Add a mask to all the layers except the bottom one - that one sits underneath the other photos.

Then select the Lasso tool, setting feathering to around 20.

Click and drag inside the photo a bit and then go outside the photo.

When you let go of the mouse, you will have a selection like this...

Then Delete. You can see in my example how smooth the blending is...

Continue with each photo (except the bottom one), to get something like this...


Type out a 1-2 word description for your collage theme. Then make it a fun font type, bigger and add a style.