Crusader Shield

Shield shape

  • Canvas size = 400 x 400.
  • Draw out a Rectangle, 200 x 200 pixels. Fill with any color. 
  • Ungroup it using CTRL+SHIFT+G (or go to MODIFY>Ungroup).
  • Make sure the rectangle layer is selected/active in the Layers panel.
  • Then click on the Pen tool. Then hover over the bottom edge of the rectangle, in the middle, and click and drag to add a curved point to the middle of the bottom line.
  • Using the Subselect tool, drag the point down and adjust the curve, pulling the curve handles to the sides until it looks smooth/rounded on the sides.

The Cross

Draw 2 white rectangles with Rectangle tool. Center them.

To make the pointed, curved ends, use Polygon tool, 5 sides.

Use the Scale tool to adjust the size and rotate the direction to what you want. Move into place so it looks like it's joined with the rectangle.

Move Freeform or Reshape Area tool over end, push inwards. Make sure the polygon layer is selected! Play with the size/strength options, undoing and trying again until you have it right. Click from the outside edge in a little bit.

Use the Select tool (black arrow) to move it into position and see how it looks. When you have the shape want, copy & paste it (CTRL+C and CTRL+V). Then go to MODFIY>Transform>Flip Horizontal (or right-click on the shape and Transform>Flip Horizontal) and move it to the other end.

Do the same process for the top (polygon) but reshape from the inside to push/curve the ends out.

Create a new layer folder for the cross layers. Move all the cross shapes into it and then lock the shield shape layer. Or select

Click on the layer folder so all the layers inside are selected...

... then go to MODIFY>Combine Paths>Union). Will look like this:

Now if you to move or scale the cross, you can do it with the Select or Scale tool.


Select the cross shape. Make sure edge of cross is "anti-alias" or give it 1 pixel feather. Add a Filter Inner Glow.

Select the shield shape. Pick a medium/dark fill color. Also give it a feathered Edge of 1 or 2. Add a Filter such as Inner Bevel.Also give the shield shape a texture fill.